30km/h Street Features

Recognizability of an urban 30km/h street is based of these essential features.

  • Type A – measures of an informative nature: the road users are alerted to the fact that a particular kind of behavior is expected from them (signs) research shows this to be least effective
  • Type B – Measures of a suggestive nature: the road users are subconsciously urged to adopt a certain kind of behavior (narrow lanes, too narrow for two cars; unit pavers; no centerlines; parked cars) these can be effective when combined with other measures and set the scene for other measures, they’re considered continuous measures.
  • Type C – measures of a persuasive nature: the road user is (more) clearly persuaded to behave in a certain manner (speed humps) the inconvenience causes (most) drivers to reduce their speed consciously. most effective as it inconveniences drivers into slowing down, considered spot treatment too and thus needs to be implemented every 250 ft to maintain desired speeds.
  • Type D – measures of an obstructive nature: specific (traffic) behavior is physically forced on the driver (oncoming traffic; courtesy streets, forcing drivers to follow a certain course; chicanes and curves) this is least effective if not applied in the right context, where balanced traffic coming from both sides, not too low and not too high as to cause a standstill, chicanes and curves can be considered spot treatments that need to be implemented every once a while to maintain required speeds.

These features create both safety and environmental benefits. There is an 25% average decrease in number of injuries, crossing streets becomes easier, and vehicles more likely to yield  to pedestrians when traveling below 40km/h. These local streets also become quieter, creating a livable space.

Recognizing 30km/h Street