Day 26: Working on the Penco Project: in Spanish and English

Today was dedicated to working on the Penco movie Project

Para terminar el proyecto del penco, hoy era dedicado a trabajar.

Deciding which photos to include and which to reject.

Decidimos cuales fotos a incluir y cuales a rechazar.

Huddled over our computers, some of us worked at Hosteria San Luis where the wifi wasn’t great.

Algunos de nosotros trabajábamos en las computadoras a Hosteria San Luis, donde el wifi no estaba muy bueno.

Others journeyed to APAK studios where they met their editing fate.

Los otros estudiantes hicieron la edición en el APAK estudio.

After working on my radio script, I explored around the hotel to find some llamas peacefully grazing.

Después de trabajaba, caminaba por la hostería y encontré llamas que estaban descansando.

I have to say that the amount of wildlife I have encountered on this dialogue is simply amazing.

Tengo que decir que la cantidad de animales he visto en este viaje está aumentando.

The view of the Cayambe volcano was also clear and pristine.

La vista del volcano Cayambe también era muy linda  y claro.

That’s a sign of good luck and productivity, according to Jean.

Este es un indicio de buena suerte y productividad, Jean dijo.

After compiling and editing photos, designing flyers, and spreading news over social media we were completely beat.

Después de coleccionamos y editamos los fotos, diseñamos pósteres, y publicamos noticias por el internet, estábamos muy cansados.

And at the end of the day, the project was much closer to being complete.

Y al final del día, el proyecto era más cerca de esta completo.

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

Picture of the beautiful Hosteria San Luis located in Cayambe, where we have been staying for the past couple of nights.Processed with VSCO with g3 preset

Picture of the baby llama outside of the hotel, right before it walked straight up to my face and stared into my soul.

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

“I’m wearing your cousin.” – Chase to the llama.