Day 32: Tacos Make Everything OK

We are officially in the home stretch.

Wake up. Eat. Edit. Edit. Cry. Edit. Edit. Eat. Edit. Edit.

But is work really work when you’re surrounded by great people? We are approaching our last few days here in Ecuador, which is beyond weird since it feels like yesterday we had four weeks left. Time really does fly when you’re having fun….and working nonstop. We finished up our individual end of the course meetings and handed in our sketchbook. Going through separation anxiety already from our sketchbooks, what are we supposed to do now when we’re bored?! Luckily, we will get them back tomorrow with comments from Jean. Most of us spent our day at Ilades, the classroom we’ve been using for meetings, class time, and excess work- mostly because of the great wifi.

To break up our work, some of us decided to take a break and get some food at a place called Crepes & Waffles. Not the most unique name, but the food is great. But what we were mostly excited for was Frida’s for dinner. This taco place is a hit with this group. Eat. Sleep. Breathe. Frida’s. If you ask people what they will miss the most about Quito, I guarantee they will say Frida’s. There seems to be a common theme with this Latitude Zero dialogue, and the answer is FOOD. This is a group of people with a big appetite, but with all this drawing and editing, we need the fuel. Definitely will miss getting a meal under five dollars, considering you can’t even get a drink for that price in Boston.