The Seminar: Lee Makowski, “Molecular Processes in the Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease”

Date: Thursday, March 23rd 2017
Time: from 6-7 PM

West Village F 20
40 Leon St
Boston, MA

The Seminar on Research, Leadership, and Innovation

The best ideas, the brightest conversations — come be a part of it. Join the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships every Thursday from 6-7 PM in West Village F 20 for conversations with thought-leaders and change-makers from both inside and outside the university.

“Molecular Processes in the Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease”
Lee Makowski, Professor and Chair of Bioengineering

Lee MakowksiDr. Makowski’s joint appointment in the Colleges of Science and Engineering reflects the boundary-spanning nature of his research. His latest research sug­gests that Alzheimer’s dis­ease may not progress like falling domi­noes, as con­ven­tional wisdom holds, with one mol­e­c­ular event sparking the for­ma­tion of plaques throughout the brain. Instead, it may progress like a fire­works dis­play, with a unique flare launching each plaque, one by one. “I believe the find­ings will pro­vide us with a new way of thinking about the mol­e­c­ular basis for Alzheimer’s dis­ease pro­gres­sion,” says Makowski. “Once you do that, you can start asking the right ques­tions about how to pre­vent it.”