Day 2 In The Field With APAK

Working with APAK and we are the agricultural group
Cooking with Sebastian while he stirs his soup

He works only with local products while carrying on the indigenous culture
Westernized thinking is taking over Ecuador like a group of swarming vultures

APAK goals are to have their people embrace their own culture
To teach the youth they don’t have to change for the vultures

Our day continued with more filming of the Agave
The guest speaker spoke strongly and tried to sell us on his lobby

How the Agave can change the soil of Ecuador, and we must share the knowledge so people could know more.

A long day concluded in a short poem
Never the less we hold the information like Texas Hold em’

Excited about my new insight and the knowledge I am gaining
Lets make tomorrow great, and maybe less complaining

We are fortunate to have this opportunity
We can develop the youth and Ecuadorian community