The most important element of the program is that it strengthens feedback and communication infrastructures between workers, foremen, and site management through the sharing of safety assessment data with all individuals on the worksite. The program increases knowledge of safe and unsafe work conditions and provides motivation for influencing personal and team safety performance. The program does not replace existing site safety protocols and practices — it simply augments them.

The program manager updates the on-site performance tracking poster with the new worksite cumulative safety score after each safety assessment. Individual subcontractor scores are also displayed alongside the poster.
At foremen meetings, the program manager presents the worksite cumulative score and hands out a detailed printout of the subcontractor assessment reports. Foremen are strongly encouraged to share these reports with their workers.  Each foremen only receives the report pertaining to his or her company.
An announcement of the updated safety performance scores is made at a time when all workers are present. Subcontractor and whole-site performance are discussed during toolbox talks and site meetings.
Strong program visibility in addition to a regular schedule of safety assessments and feedback will serve to establish a strong program identity and maintain worker engagement. We recommend the following program visibility elements:

  • Hang up a large banner near the site entrance to designate it as a worksite of the program.
  • Display a poster that tracks whole-site safety scores and lists subcontractor scores in a central location on-site.
    – Depending on the size of the worksite, multiple posters may be required.
  • Hang program signs and toolbox talk flyers on-site.
  • Distribute hardhat stickers and any other branded materials you choose to produce (i.e., t-shirts) to new workers who have completed the safety orientation.
  • Announce safety performance scores publicly, when all workers are present.


See Program Downloads for scoring and poster templates