The program can be adapted to fit any worksite’s capabilities or needs. Instead of all three components of the program, running just one or two can still have an effect. Here’s what we recommend:

One component: Foremen Reports
Two components: Foremen Reports + Performance Tracking Poster
Full program: Foremen Reports + Performance Tracking Poster + Reward

Many of these program components build on one another, therefore we strongly recommend that you follow this structure if you cannot run the full program.

The foreman report can be created and distributed to the site’s foremen as feedback for their safety practices. This component alone improves communication and raises safety awareness.

In addition to the foreman report, the sub-contractor and site safety scores can be calculated and posted in a visible area on-site.

Adding a reward at the end of each successful evaluation cycle is the third and final component of the program. This means that your worksite is running the program in its entirety.