Strategic Goal Setting as a Biotech CEO

Strategic Goal Setting as a Biotech CEO

Date: 02/27/2015
Time: 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Location: 123 Snell Library
Speaker: Guillaume Pfefer, Ph.D., Former President & CEO, Kala Pharmaceuticals

The talk will cover first hand experience with leading a venture-backed biotech from strategy reset to recruiting, fund-raising, submitting IND to FDA, advancing in clinical development, and signing collaboration agreements with industry partners.

Guillaume Pfefer,Ph.D., is a biopharmaceutical leader with experience in large global companies and start-ups. His broad experience includes research, product development, industrialization, sales, marketing, P/L management, strategy, fund raising, deal making, and team building. In 2012, he led Kala Pharmaceuticals from a strategic reset to a leading emerging ophthalmology company with the initiation of four Phase III and Phase II clinical trials. He has successfully raised over $34M in venture financing from leading healthcare investors, executed feasibility agreements with global pharmaceuticals and biotech companies, and led Sanofi Pasteur’s Mexico affiliate and Kala Pharmaceuticals to successful outcomes through key hiring, mentoring and strategic goal setting.