Professor Alexandru I. Suciu

MTH 3481 Topology III

Spring 2000

Course Information

Antoine's Necklace
Course: MTH 3481  (Topology III)
Instructor: Alex Suciu
Time and Place: Mon. & Wed. at 5:15 -- 6:45 PM, in 544 NI
Office Hours: Mon. & Wed. at 11:45 AM -- 12:45 PM, in 441 LA, or by appointment
Prerequisites: MTH 3107  (Topology II)
Textbook: Topology and Geometry, by Glen Bredon, Springer-Verlag, GTM #139
Grade: Based on problem sets and a final exam

Course Description

Cohomology Theory  Cohomology of chain complexes, simplicial and singular cohomology, universal coefficients theorems, cross products and the Künneth formula, cup and cap products.
Duality in Manifolds The orientation bundle, Poincaré duality, Lefschetz duality, Alexander duality, Euler class, Lefschetz numbers, Gysin sequence, intersection form, signature, plumbing.
Homotopy Theory Higher homotopy groups, cofibrations, fibrations, homotopy sequences, homotopy groups of Lie groups and associated manifolds, Hurewicz theorem, Whitehead theorem, Eilenberg-MacLane spaces, obstruction theory.
Bundles and Characteristic Classes Classifying spaces, cohomology of classifying spaces, Stiefel-Whitney classes, Pontrjagin classes, Chern classes, spectral sequences.


Homework Assignments

Homework 1 Chapter V, section 8, pp. 284-285  # 2, 3, 4, 7
Homework 2 Chapter VI, section 3, p. 321 
Chapter VI, section 4, p. 334 
Chapter VI, section 5, p. 338 
# 1
# 3
# 1, 2, 3

Sample final exam

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Department of Mathematics  Office:  441 Lake Hall 
Northeastern University Phone:  (617) 373-4456 
Boston, MA, 02115  Email: 

Home  Created:  March 1, 2000   Last modified:  April 19, 2000