Seventh Annual New Directions in Analyzing Text as Data Conference.

WHAT: Call for Papers, Discussants, Attendees: Deadline is *June 20, 2016*
WHEN: Friday, October 14, 2016, 8:30 to Saturday, October 15, 2016, 5:00 pm
WHERE: Northeastern University, Boston, MA.

We invite you to submit a paper to be presented, or to submit your name as discussant or as an attendee, at the seventh annual research conference on “New Directions in Analyzing Text as Data” that will be held at Northeastern University on October 14-15, 2016. This two-day conference draws together scholars from many different universities and disciplines to discuss developments in text as data research. We anticipate that our conference budget will cover the airfare and hotel expenses of paper presenters and discussants.

The main purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers from the social sciences, computer science and linguistics to investigate new approaches to utilizing text in social science research. Text has always been a valuable resource for research, and recent developments in automatic language-processing methodologies from the fields of information retrieval, natural language processing, and machine learning are creating unprecedented opportunities for searching, categorizing, and extracting social science information from text.

Previous conferences took place at Harvard University, Northwestern University, the London School of Economics, and New York University. Selection of participants and papers for the conferences is the responsibility of a team led by Nick Beauchamp (Northeastern) and David Smith (Northeastern), along with Ken Benoit (LSE), Yejin Choi (University of Washington), and Arthur Spirling (NYU).

Submission Information

Submissions should be sent to at gmail dot com.

Presenters: Please submit title and abstract of no more than 150 words, along with five or six key words by *June 20, 2016*. Submissions should be original research papers that have not yet been accepted for publication. Applied work is strongly preferred to theoretical work. Note that accepted papers do not constitute a “publication” as practiced in Computer Science; papers will not be publicly shared and may be presented and published at other conferences or with journals.

Discussants: Please let us know the areas in which you have an interest/expertise.

Attendees: Please let us know if you wish to attend, your current position, and five or six keywords regarding the nature of your interest in text as data.  Due to space limitations we can only accept a limited number of attendees.

Deadline for submission

Deadline for submission is *June 20, 2016* (by 11pm Eastern time).

Program Announcement

On or before August 8, 2016.


Presenters, Discussants: We anticipate that registration fees, hotel, airfare, meals and refreshments will be covered by the conference budget for those listed on the program.

Attendees: We anticipate that registration fees, meals and refreshments will be covered by the conference budget for those receiving an invitation.

Best regards,

Nick Beauchamp and David Smith, Organizers
(On behalf of the paper selection committee: Nick Beauchamp, David Smith, Arthur Spirling, Ken Benoit, and Yejin Choi.)