OpenRAN Gym is an open toolbox for data collection and experimentation with AI in O-RAN. OpenRAN Gym leverages a set of experimental platforms, including Colosseum. It features a softwarized RAN and a near-RT RIC that can be deployed as Colosseum containers to automate data collection and testing of AI solutions for O-RAN.

OpenRAN Gym architecture

Please refer to the OpenRAN Gym website for instructions and additional information.

You can find more information about how to deploy OpenRAN Gym and the near-RT RIC (ColO-RAN) at the following repositories: near-RT RIC and E2 termination.

The following OpenRAN Gym containers are ready-to-use on Colosseum:


  • Image name: coloran-near-rt-ric
  • Credentials: root/ChangeMe

SCOPE with E2 termination:

  • Image name: scope-with-e2
  • Credentials: root/scope