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Office of the Chancellor

The chancellor leads a range of initiatives that support learning and teaching innovation at Northeastern. The Office of the Chancellor advances global and lifelong experiential education. It partners with faculty and university leaders to scale innovation in and out of the classroom, maximize opportunities for students across all global campuses, and expand our campuses and experiential network.

Kenneth Henderson Banner Image

Chancellor and Senior Vice President
for Learning

Kenneth W. Henderson

As the university’s first chancellor, Kenneth W. Henderson leads Northeastern’s broad portfolio of learning functions.

Leadership and administration

  • Satyajit Dattagupta

    Satyajit Dattagupta

    Chief Enrollment Officer and Executive Vice Chancellor
  • Madeleine Estabrook

    Madeleine Estabrook

    Senior Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
  • Jim Madigan

    Jim Madigan

    Director of Athletics and Recreation
  • Jon Relvas

    Jon Relvas

    Vice President, Strategic Partnerships
  • Elizabeth Zulick

    Elizabeth Zulick

    Senior Vice Chancellor for Education Innovation

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