Last updated: April 21, 2010, 10:18 EST

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International Conference on Representations of Algebras and
Related Topics

April 22 - 27, 2010
Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA

Titles and Abstracts

Vladimir Bavula,
 The algebra of polynomial integro-differential operators and its group of automorphisms.

Abstract: Click here

Silvana Bazzoni, Flat Mittag-Leffler modules and approximations.

Abstract: Click here

Frauke Bleher,
Deformation rings which are not local complete intersections.

Abstract: This is joint work with Ted Chinburg and Bart de Smit. In the eighties, Mazur, using work of Schlessinger, introduced techniques of deformation theory to the study of representations of Galois groups. In this talk, we give examples of universal deformation rings that are not local complete intersections, thus providing an answer to a question of M. Flach in all characteristics.

Jon Carlson, Endotrivial modules over groups with quaternion and semidihedral Sylow 2-subgroups.

Abstract: This is joint work with Nadia Mazza and Jacques Thevenaz. I will present a survey of recent efforts to classify the endotrivial module over the group algebras of finite groups and discuss in some detail two important cases. These are the two cases that are not of finite representation type, but where the group of endotrivial modules of the Sylow 2-subgroup has nontrivial torsion elements. One question is whether these torsion elements lift from the Sylow subgroup to the group. The constructions use some methods from the theory of support
varieties of modules as well as the technology of almost split sequence.

Andrew Carroll, An approach to semi-invariants of string algebras.

Abstract: We introduce the class of colored string algebras for which the geometry of the representation spaces can be well-understood.  More precisely, the coordinate rings of the components can be explicitly decomposed into Schur modules.  We investigate the rings of semi-invariants for particular components, and relate to the coordinate rings of some toric varieties.  This is thesis research under the guidance of Jerzy Weyman.

Giovanni Cerulli Irelli,
Quiver Grassmannians and cluster algebras of Kronecker type.

Abstract: This is joint work with Francesco Esposito. We study some projective varieties which are closed subvarieties of partial flag varieties and called quiver Grassmannians. In the last years many authors have noticed the importance of quiver Grassmannians in the theory of cluster algebras but many
geometric aspects, like the existence of a cellular decomposition, the computation of Betti numbers and Euler characteristic are still open. We make the first step in this direction by studying the "smallest" interesting quiver Grassmannians, i.e. that ones associated with the Kronecker quiver. Surprisingly this approach gives a geometric realization of "canonical basis" of cluster algebras.

Calin Chindris, On the tameness of the representation type of a quiver.

Abstract: Click here

Lars Christensen,
Algebras that satisfy Auslander's condition on vanishing of cohomology.

Abstract: Late in his career, Auslander conjectured that every finitely generated module M over an artin algebra would have a "latent projective dimension". That is, a number a(M) such that if the cohomology of M with coefficients in a finitely generated module N, i.e. -- Ext(M,N) -- vanishes in high degrees, then it vanishes from degree a(M).

The conjecture was disproved seven years ago. However, we know that modules over several classes of algebras do have such a latent projective dimension, and I will discuss recent work with H. Holm that aims to improve our understanding of this ring theoretical property. In the course of the talk, I will also explain why this question, rooted in the representation theory of Artin algebras, has attracted much attention in local algebra.

Grégoire Dupont, Geometric bases in affine cluster algebras.

Abstract: In this talk I will explain how to construct linear bases in acyclic cluster algebras by means of geometric methods in representation theory of quivers. We will introduce the notion of generic variables in an arbitrary acyclic cluster algebra and show that it provides an explicit basis in the affine case. We will also provide a geometric realization of another kind of bases, putting into context the results of Sherman-Zelevinsky and Cerulli on ``canonically positive bases''.

Jennifer Froelich, Universal deformation rings for the symmetric group S5 and its double cover

Abstract: This is joint work with Frauke Bleher.  In this talk, we will determine the mod 2 representations V of S5 which belong to the principal 2-modular block of 
S5 and whose stable endomorphism ring is given by scalars when it is inflated to $\hat{S}_5$.  We will show their corresponding universal deformation rings provide an affirmative answer to a question raised by Bleher and Chinburg regarding the relationship between the universal deformation ring of V and the Sylow 2-subgroups of S5 and $\hat{S}_5$, respectively.

Ryan Kinser, Tensor products of quiver representations via quivers over Q.

Abstract: The category of representations of a quiver Q has a natural "pointwise" tensor product.  To get around the lack of a classification of representations of a general Q, we can study this tensor product by forming the representation ring of Q (i.e., split Grothendieck ring) and describing features of this ring (idempotents, nilpotents, ideals, etc.).  We will first survey here what is known about this ring for various Q (Dynkin types, affine A type, rooted trees), with some examples, and show how maps from other quivers into Q can be used to study the tensor product. Then we'll see some new results, which are joint with Ralf Schiffler, on combinatorial formulas for tensor products of certain representations of acyclic quivers, including an explicit formula for tensor product of projectives.

Patrick Le Meur, Crossed-products of Calabi-Yau algebras by finite groups.

Abstract: Click here

Shiping Liu, Representations of an infinite quiver.

Abstract: N/A

Dag Madsen, Filtrations determined by tilting objects of projective dimension two.

Abstract: Click here

Frank Marko, Algebra of supersymmetric polynomials in a positive characteristic.

Abstract: In the case of characteristic zero, generators of the algebra of supersymmetric polynomials in the characteristic zero case were described by Stembridge. That result is related to a work of Kantor and Trishin who described generators of the algebra of invariants of general linear supergroup. In a joint work with A.N. Grishkov and A.N.Zubkov we described the generators of the algebra of supersymmetric polynomials and the algebra of invariants of general linear supergroup in the case of positive characteristic. In this talk I will explain how to derive both results.

Hagen Meltzer, Nilpotent operators and stable vector bundle categories.

Abstract: Click here

Gregg Musiker, Positive formulas for loops in a cluster algebra from a surface.

Abstract: In 2009, Ralf Schiffler, Lauren Williams, and the speaker, provided combinatorial formulas for cluster variables for those cluster algebras arising from a surface, thus proving their positivity as Laurent expansions with respect to any seed.  This talk will present recent work in progress with Schiffler and Williams which generalizes such combinatorial interpretations to other important elements of the cluster algebra.  In particular, we provide graph theoretic interpretations to the cluster algebra elements associated to closed loops in the surface thus
establishing that they too have positive Laurent expansions with respect to any seed.  Following work of Fock-Goncharov and work in progress of Fomin and Thurston, such loops are conjecturally the elements needed to complete the cluster monomials to a positive basis.

Maria Ines Platzeck, Stratifying systems and proper systems.

Abstract: Click here

Steven Sam, Saturation for classical groups.

Abstract: Let G be a complex special orthogonal or symplectic group, and let u, v, w be dominant weights for G.  We prove that if the tensor product of the irreducible representations with highest weights Nu, Nv, and Nw contains a nonzero G-invariant for some N>0, then the same is true when N=2. This extends some results of Knutson--Tao,
Belkale--Kumar, and Kapovich--Millson. Our techniques are based on and extend the work of Derksen--Weyman on semi-invariants of quivers to the case of symmetric quivers, and the work of Schofield on general representations of quivers to the case of quivers with relations of global dimension 2.

Ralf Schiffler, Cluster automorphisms.

Abstract: This talk is on a joint work with Assem and Shramchenko, in which we introduce and study cluster automorphisms of cluster algebras. These are automorphisms of the algebra which preserve the combinatorial cluster algebra structure. We compute the group of cluster automorphisms for Dynkin and Euclidean types using cluster categories and Riemann surfaces with marked points.

Hugh Thomas, A combinatorial approach to B-matrices for cluster algebras.

Abstract: Let Q be a quiver without oriented cycles, and let T be a cluster tilting object in the cluster category of Q.  From a representation-theoretic point of view, it is well-understood that the B-matrix of the corresponding cluster is given by the Gabriel quiver of T.  In this talk I will present an alternative approach to finding the B-matrix, which is more combinatorially explicit.  This is joint work with David Speyer.

Peter Tingley,  Braidings, commutors, and quiver varieties.

Abstract: Consider the category of crystals associated to a symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra g. If g is of finite type, Henriques and Kamnitzer constructed a system of isomorphisms between B ⊗ C and C
⊗ B for all pairs of crystals B and C, endowing crystals with the structure of a coboundary category. In joint work with Kamnitzer,
we explained how this system of isomorphisms is related to the braiding on the corresponding category of representations. The situation outside of finite type is less well understood. As shown by Alistair Savage, crystals still form a coboundary category. However, the relationship with the braiding has not yet been explained in
general.  We will review Savage's proof of the coboundary structure (a geometric argument using quiver varieties), and discuss some attempts to complete the picture by including the braiding.

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