Policy on Media Relations

Policy Number: 119

Governance and Legal

The permanent link for this policy is: https://policies.northeastern.edu/policy119/

I. Purpose and Scope


This policy is intended to promote effective, unified communication with the media about the University’s mission and activities, and in compliance with university policies, laws and regulations about confidentiality of university records. In accordance with federal law, no faculty or staff member may disclose information to the press about a currently enrolled Northeastern student. It applies to all Northeastern staff and faculty across the university’s global network of campuses.

II. Definitions



III. Policy


The Office of Communications in External Affairs is responsible for initiating and responding to media inquiries, and for managing interactions with members of the press.

Accordingly, all staff members are required to coordinate with the Office of Communications before responding to press inquiries, and should direct reporters seeking information about Northeastern to media@northeastern.edu. Staff members shall not pitch university-related story ideas to reporters or editors of news organizations without specific approval from the Office of Communications. In addition, staff members shall not pursue news organizations with self-authored opinion pieces related to Northeastern or the higher education sector without specific approval from the Office of Communications.

Faculty members are encouraged to respond to press inquiries about issues relevant to their academic discipline or research. In communicating with the press, faculty members are also encouraged to coordinate with the Office of Communications for guidance or assistance on the most effective strategies regarding press requests for comments, and the promotion of their expertise.

Faculty members — including those with administrative responsibilities — who receive requests for comment about university matters not pertaining to their individual academic discipline or research, should coordinate with the Office of Communications before responding to those inquiries.

IV. Additional Information



V. Contact Information

Office of Communications: media@northeastern.edu


Responsible Office/Department(s)

Office of Communications

Related Procedures





News Media; Press Inquiries; Press Interviews

Version History

Last Revision Date: August 28, 2023

Issued: January 1, 2010