Understanding optical properties of nanoparticles towards application with biospecific markers for pre-cancer detection

Understanding optical properties of nanoparticles towards application with biospecific markers for pre-cancer detection

Student: Yogesh G Patel
Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advisor: Charles Di Marzio


Among skin malignancies, basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common, occurring at an estimated rate of 800,000 cases in the United States every year costing $500 million/year. BCCs are tumors most commonly occurring on sun-exposed areas of the body such as the face or head, and often on or near the nose, eyes, ears or mouth. Because of this occurrence in high-risk anatomical areas, BCCs require precise excision with minimal loss of the surrounding normal tissue, and are effectively treated with Mohs micrographic surgery.

Optical imaging methods are being developed that may enable rapid detection of BCCs directly and non-invasively in surgical skin excisions, minimize the need for frozen pathology and may expedite Mohs surgery. The optical methods include optical quadrature microscopy, confocal reflectance microscopy, optical coherence tomography, Raman spectroscopy, and fluorescence microscopy.

Many of these non-invasive optical imaging modalities being developed for ex vivo BCC detection (with potential in vivo application) require a contrast agent to enhance and/or label BCCs. Optical imaging methods with a specific contrast agent will allow for increased detection of the varying types of BCCs that are difficult to diagnosis under standard light microscopy. The application of nanoparticles labeled with molecular biomarkers associated with BCCs may potentially be applicable in lieu of a contrast agent for non-invasive optical imaging in vivo.

The goals of this project are to define the optical properties of nanoparticles for application in detection of BCCs in skin, ex vivo and potentially in vivo, and to understand the optical properties of normal and cancerous skin, and their impact on optical imaging using optical quadrature microscopy. The clinical application of a molecular contrast agent and non-invasive optical imaging modality will greatly increase detection of BCCs and ultimately improve cure rates for all types of BCCs.