What is FAIR?

Found in the CPS Instructional Onboarding in Canvas, the Faculty Academic Integrity Review (FAIR) is an interactive 1-hour (many instructors complete it in much less time) review of support and expected actions to address academic integrity issues

FAIR was developed in collaboration with faculty (many featured in videos throughout the modules), the dean’s office, the Office of Academic Advising (OAA), and the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR) and covers:

  • Prevalence of integrity violations in CPS
  • Using the Faculty Advisor Communication Tool (FACT) to start triage for issues
  • Reporting to OSCCR and the role of OSCCR
  • Strategies and tools to help faculty and students reduce violations

Completing FAIR can help ensure you’re using best practices to educate students, prevent violations, and address them efficiently and effectively according to CPS and Northeastern policies.

Accessing FAIR?

For Help Accessing FAIR or Other Questions About Academic Integrity in CPS, please contact CPS-AcademicIntegrity@Northeastern.edu