
After years of research and preparation, this website dedicated to the unique history of Vanuatu is finally complete. It would not be possible to name all of the people who made this possible, but we feel compelled to give credit where it is due.  We would like to thank all of the following people for their cooperation to help make this possible.

Professor William Miles


From interviewing various people, to meticulously keeping all records, and to dedicating many years of hard work and research to the unique history of Vanuatu, Prof. Miles deserves the majority if not all of the credit for the creation of this website. If not for his effort and dedication, this small but not irrelevant nation would had to wait years before it could be documented (if at all).

The EdTech Center at Northeastern University

Special thanks also goes to the EdTech Center at Northeastern University. They helped develop the website especially the technical parts. A tip of the hat for Jessica Leary, a co-op student who helped answer our persistent e-mails about various technicalities from formatting to uploading content.

Digital Media Services at Northeastern University

Also, we would like to thank Terry Beadle and his crew at Digital Media Services for helping digitalize and modernize all our contents. We first started out with old cassettes, CDs, and handwritten notes, but with his help we were able to convert all of that into this website and more. If not for their help, we would not be able to open  our archives of Vanuatu to the world through the Internet.

Lan Nguyen


From editing audio files, to manually spell checking paragraphs, and to uploading and organizing content, special thanks goes to Lan Nguyen, the Northeastern University student who did the blue collar work of organizing the website together. It was not the most glamorous of work but it was important to the launch of the website.

And for those not mentioned…

Last but not least are all the other people that contributed to the website that we have not named that includes but is not limited to all the interviewees, all of the people that shared their knowledge with us, previous students and staff members that have worked on this, etc. This website was the product of a team effort with each individual bringing a piece of the puzzle to help solve (or come close to solving) this South Pacific Puzzle.