Policy on Professional Standards and Business Conduct

Policy Number: 103

Governance and Legal

The permanent link for this policy is: https://policies.northeastern.edu/policy103/

I. Purpose and Scope


Northeastern University is committed to operating within the highest standards of integrity and ethics, and to fostering a culture of compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and university policies in all its activities. Faculty and staff have an obligation to perform their responsibilities in a manner that supports and advances the university’s mission, goals, and ethical standards.

This policy applies to all Northeastern University faculty and staff.

II. Definitions



III. Policy

All faculty and staff are required to comply with all applicable university policies including, without limitation, the Code of Ethical Conduct, applicable Human Resources policies, and the core compliance policies listed within each section below.

A. Compliance with Laws, Rules, and Regulations

B. Good Faith Conduct and Accountability

The university expects all employees to be truthful, to act in good faith in university endeavors, and to take responsibility for their actions.

C. Respect for the Rights and Dignity of Others

All faculty and staff are expected to treat other members of the community with respect and professionalism. Illegal or inappropriate workplace threats, violence, harassment, intimidation, coercion, and discrimination are prohibited.

D. Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

All employees are expected to avoid actions or engagements that are in conflict with their position, and must report potential conflicts, whether financial, personal, or potential “appearance of conflict” issues. Employees may not use their position for personal advantage.

E. Protection and Proper Use of University Assets

Faculty and staff must maintain the confidentiality of nonpublic university information, records and data entrusted to them.

All employees must safeguard and respect university property and resources, and report fraud, waste and abuse.

IV. Additional Information

The university expects all faculty, including part-time faculty, and all staff to adhere to and act in accordance with this policy, and to be familiar and comply with the current version of all applicable university policies, including those specifically listed above. Failure to comply may lead to disciplinary action up to termination, or the pursuit of civil or criminal proceedings as appropriate.

The university retains the right to issue, amend, or withdraw a university policy at any time. 

Responsible Office/Department(s)

Human Resources

Related Procedures





Behavior; Conduct; Ethics; Compliance; Environment; Conflicts of Interest; Gifts; Confidentiality; Endorsements; Vendors; Appropriate Use (Computers); Property; Records; Signature Authority; Contracts; Relationships; Sexual Harassment; Whistleblowers; Political Activity; Use of Funds

Version History

Last Revision Date: April 13, 2023

Issued: January 1, 2002