Alex Martsinkovsky

Direct Summands of Homological Functors

ABSTRACT: In his La Jolla paper on coherent functors, M. Auslander described injective objects in certain functor categories as direct summands of the covariant functors Ext1(A, —), and conjectured that they are all of that same form. He established that result in the case A was of finite projective dimension. In the same volume, P. Freyd gave a positive answer in the case the underlying abelian category has denumerable sums. Later, Auslander gave a unifying proof of these results, but also showed that the conjecture is not true in general. In this talk, we give a positive answer to the conjecture in the seemingly overlooked case when A is an object of finite length. In fact, our result holds for noetherian objects satisfying the DCC on the images of nested endomorphisms. Moreover, our result is established for any additive bifunctor whose endomorphisms lift to endomorphisms of the fixed argument. That this is the case for the Ext-functor is a consequence of the Hilton-Rees theorem, for which we give an "instant" proof. Other immediate applications include Hom modulo projectives, and, when the fixed argument is restricted to finitely presented modules, the functors Tor1(A,—).

No prior experience with coherent functors is needed for this expository talk.

September 19, 2014
10:30 - 11:30
511 Lake Hall

For further information visit  or contact Alex Martsinkovsky alexmart >at< neu >dot< edu