Gabriel Katz

The Combinatorics of Tangency and Holography
on Manifolds with Boundary

ABSTRACT: The object of study is a non-singular gradient vector field v on a smooth manifold X with boundary. Specifically, I study the ways in which the v-flow interacts with boundary dX. Here is a central question: What kind of residual structure on the boundary dX will allow for a reconstruction of X (perhaps, together with the flow)? If such a reconstruction of X (or of (X, v)) is possible, the structure on the boundary deserves the name "holographic". For each point x of the boundary dX where the field is pointing inwards of X, consider the closest point Bv(x) in dX where the trajectory through x exits X or is tangent to its boundary. We get a map Bv : d+X --> d-X which we call "ballistic" (Bv is only semi-continuous). It turns out that the ballistic map Bv is an example of the desired holographic data.
Theorem. For a generic
v on X, the piecewise smooth type of (X, v) is reconstructable from the ballistic map Bv.
So the map
Bv is an example of a more general notion of holographic structure H(dX) on dX. Again, H(dX) allows for a reconstruction of the bulk of X, together with the dynamics of the v-flow. If time permits, I will talk about the characteristic classes of ballistic structures. They are intimately linked to an interesting combinatorics.

November 16, 2012
10:30 - 11:30
511 Lake Hall

For further information visit  or contact Alex Martsinkovsky alexmart >at< neu >dot< edu