The LDP model is designed to support the academic development and achievement of students with learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders. The LDP best serves students who can engage in a collaborative process to set and take action toward their goals and who are committed to using individualized support to becoming more effective learners.

Specialists work with students to set the agenda for their LDP sessions. LDP sessions can include targeted instruction and support in developing:


In order to make good use of this model of support, students must be able to commit to:

  • Attending all classes.

Class attendance provides students with the opportunity not only to learn from lecture and discussion, but also to hear explanations of assignments and announcements about exams. Additionally, many courses factor attendance and participation into the final grade.  Missing these opportunities interferes with academic achievement.

  • Attending all scheduled LDP sessions.

Regular attendance allows students and specialists to take a proactive approach to course work. Students who attend all of these sessions are more likely achieve their academic goals.

  • Communicating, clearly and openly, about their academic progress.

Students must report accurately to their LDP specialists about their performance in courses, including grades and attendance. Students are also expected to communicate with their parents about their challenges and successes.

  • Making good use of LDP sessions.

Students maximize their LDP sessions by setting goals, preparing for sessions and bringing the most challenging work to complete, and engaging in collaborative work with their specialist.