Course materials

In Fall 2017, I taught MATH 7320, Modern Algebraic Geometry. We studied Invariant theory. Details can be found here.

Here's the webpage of a crash course on Rational Cherednik algebras I gave at HSE in April. It contains problem sets in English and hand-written notes in Russian.

Problem sets (in Russian) for a crash-course on Procesi bundles and quantizations in positive characteristic I've given at HSE in December, 2016.

In the Fall 2015 I teach the graduate class MATH 7313, Representation theory: modern introduction.

Masterclass on Quantized Quiver Varieties.

Problems and a description of a crash-course on the representation of quivers given at HSE, Moscow, in May 2014.

Materials from an informal summer school on Symplectic reflection algebras.

MATH 7364. Topics in Representation Theory: Symplectic reflection algebras (Fall 2012).