
Direction:  For each following applet, the density and moments of  the random variable are shown in blue in the distribution graph and are recorded in the distribution table. On each update, the empirical density and moments are shown in red in the distribution graph and are recorded in the distribution table. The parameter can be varied with a scroll bar.Press "Step" button
to show each simulation.You may see a serial of simulation by choosing the number of simulation from the "stop freq" list box(the default number is 10) and pressing "run" button.Renew or stop the process by choosing "reset" button or "stop" button,respectively.

Poker Experiment            Poker Dice Experiment          Chuck-a-Luck Experiment      Craps Experiment
Roulette Experiment         Monty Hall Game                   Monty Hall Experiment           Fire Experiment
Voter Experiment             Galton Board