Full Fontal


A silly short by Kevin Tobin

ESTABLISHING SHOTS: 1. Outside Pearson building 2. Inside Floor – cubicles, file cabinets, posters, etc. 3. Aisle between TWO OFFICES.
INT. RON’S OFFICE RON is on his computer, glasses on, typing away. MANSOUR enters, folder in his hand. As Mansour speaks, Ron slowly, taking off his glasses

MANSOUR Hey, uh, Ron, so these new fonts you did…I, uh, wanted, ya know, just a little something else.

He hands Ron the folder.

RON (calm) Well, what’d you have in mind?
Ron accepts the folder as he says this, looks at the papers

MANSOUR I don’t know… I mean this is the new company slogan font, and I want it to make an impression, ya know..

RON (takes a breath) Well, what do you want me to change?

MANSOUR I don’t know, I just, ya know, what it a little bit more modern.

RON Modern?

MANSOUR Ya know, this font reminds me
of…classic stuff, ya know? It says “obsolete” to me.

RON Obsolete?

MANSOUR Don’t get me wrong, I like it, Ron, but it’s just a little bit of change we gotta make before we propose it.

RON What do you want to do to it?

MANSOUR I just want it more modern, Ron.

RON Modern how?

MANSOUR Ya know, like the same thing but different.

RON (repeating, confused) The same thing but different.

MANSOUR Just a little but more impression…the font needs to express to the public what we, as an organization, are all about.

RONĀ  (flustered) Right, right.

MANSOUR (as leaving, enthusiastically) The same thing, but different! Ron shakes his head, and puts his glasses back on. He looks folder, and then to his computer, begins clicking and typing away.

INT. RON’S OFFICE Ron is typing away, glasses on. Mansour enters.

MANSOUR Hey Ron, you finish the —

Ron, before Mansour even finishes his sentence, just hands over the folder. He continues to type, not wanting any interruption. Mansour accepts the folder, and looks into it.

MANSOUR (CONT’D) Yeah, yeah…I like it, Ron, I really do. But —

RON (still typing) But what?

MANSOUR It’s more modern, definitely, it’s just, ya know… Ron stops typing.

RON No I don’t know.

MANSOUR It’s just, like, ya know, not as optimistic as I’d hoped. I need more optimism!

RON Optimism?

MANSOUR Yeah, like, we want people when they see this font to say, hey, times are changing. Things are getting better. These people are new, cool, and make me feel good.

RON And the font is supposed to embody all of that?

MANSOUR Metaphorically-speaking.

RON Right. So what do you want me to do to it now?

MANSOUR I don’t know, it’s just — it’s more modern, yeah, but it’s still a little dry.

RONĀ  Dry?

MANSOUR Like I said before, it’s needs more expression…and impression! This is the new company font!

RON Well do you want it to be expressive or impressive? Mansour ponders for a second.

MANSOUR Can it be both?

RON I… I don’t know.

MANSOUR I mean, why not?

RON Do you want more color?

MANSOUR Maybe…some bright colors are good, but too much makes us seem like we’re a day care.

RON Then do you want more designs on thefont?

MANSOUR Yeah, but then people see it and think we’re like…weird and stuff, ya know. We want it to be original, but at the same time, we want it be the same as it has been.
Ron takes off his glasses and sighs.

RON I…I…you lost me, what do you want me to do to the font?

MANSOUR You know what, let’s just use “Times New Roman!” Ron stares up at him, blank.