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Random sequences

Imagine a bingo draw, where numbered balls are picked randomly. If you want to reproduce this process with a computer, you will find that it is not as easy as you might think. Computing is completely deterministic by nature, and reproducing or simulating naturally random processes is a particularly delicate matter.

The problem is how to use a computer to generate random numbers. In fact, this is impossible! We can program a computer to generate a sequence of numbers, following certain law. Although the output values of this sequence might look random (according to some rules that we will discuss in this section), the existence of a deterministic law behind them is telling us that preciselly, these are not random numbers at all!

We define a sequence of numbers $\{r_1,r_2,...r_n\}$ as ``random'' if there are no correlations among the numbers in the sequence. A random sequence can have a distribution, i. e. the probability of a number to appear in the sequence would correspond to some distribution. If the distribution is uniform, all numbers are equally probable to appear. Mathematically, the likehood of a number to occur is described by a distribution function $P(r)$. This means that the probability of finding $r_i$ in the interval $[r,r+dr]$ is given by $P(r)dr$. The usual random number generators provided by compilers or libraries generate a uniform distribution between 0 and 1, that means $P(r)=1$. Ideally this numbers have equal probability, and it is independent of the previous one.

The computer, the sequences are ``pseudo-random'' because knowing a number $r_m$ and the preceeding $r_i$, we can predict the next one $r_{m+1}$. This is evident in the correlations. Some sophisticated psudo-random number generators do a good job hiding this fact from our eyes, although if you look hard enough, you will eventually figure it out.

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Adrian E. Feiguin 2009-11-04